Javonda Barnes
October 3, 1957 – November 19, 2023
I have Good News and Bad News! The Good News is Javonda is now in a place with no pain, no crying, no sorrow, and a place where we never grow old with Jesus her Lord. The bad news is we will miss her very much. She died, unexpectedly, on Sunday, November 19 of a pulmonary embolism.

Being Hope, Help and Healing
Being a Star Trek Mission—“Going Where No One Has Gone Before”
Why Southern Thailand
The Apostle Paul’s strategy entailed going to the cities and ports of influence (education, medicine, military, finance, and manufacturing/agriculture, as well as the trade routes).
This strategy explains why we focus on these cities of influence: Bangkok, Pattaya, and Phuket—cities overlooked, forgotten, and abandoned by many of the world’s NGOs (Non-Government Organizations or charities) and mission organizations.
Star Trek Volunteer Teams
Going boldly where no one has gone before!
For more than 150 years, cross cultural mission workers/servants have been serving in Thailand. Due to the resistant system of Thai Buddhism, the impact has been hard-fought, and minimal.
Declare His Glory
Declare his glory among the nations, his marvelous deeds among all peoples.